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Jembatan dan Bangunan Diatas Saluran di Grogol Utara Ditertibkan
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Kampung Pluis Connecting Channel Dredged

South Jakarta Sub-dept. of Water Management dismantled manholes covering the connecting channel of Kampung Pluis, Grogol Utara Urban Village, Kebayoran Lama. The dredging is also aimed to add the channel volume.

We deepen the channel about 1-1.5 meters

“We deepen the channel about 1-1.5 meters,” said Holi Susanto, South Jakarta Sub-dept. of Water Management Head, Friday (10/7).

According to him, the dredging will be applied along one kilometer. In fact, the 90 percent of channel is covered with manholes.

Buildings and Stalls in Kapuk Controlled

“The project remains running, and we already have the result. Inundation at the area receded in 15 minutes. The channel should be free from illegal buildings,” he added.

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